Be part of the Success of the Club!

The figure skating club is here for the support of all our skaters and is responsible to uphold the mission of the club. Without member participation, we are unable to sustain the business responsibilities that allow us to serve our skaters. Therefore, we offer a discounted membership rate to members who volunteer their time.

​Volunteer hours are accumulated over the July 1st -June 30th membership period. 

Club Officers and Committee Chairs 

All officers and committee chairs automatically meet the annual volunteer hour requirement. Those positions include:

President - Rhiannon Galindo

Vice President - Melissa Schumacher

Secretary - open

Co-Treasurer - Michele Cunningham

Co-Treasurer - Hiroko Tsugawa

Test Chair - Tim Totter

Membership Chair - Lyn McLaren

Website & Social Media Chair - Carolina Takahashi

Photography Chair - Carolina Takahashi

Club Jacket Coordinator - Paige Vasquez

Fundraising Chair - open

Consignment Chair - open

Skate Safe Compliance Chair - Tim Totter

Assistant Test Chair - Jeannette Yarrow

Liaison to Junior Board - open

For more information on the above positions see Board Officer Positions.

Other opportunities for earning volunteer hours include:

Attendance at club board meetings

Assisting officers or committee chairs

Assisting at shows and competitions.

If you are not a club officer or committee chair listed above please track your volunteer hours with the Volunteer Hour Tracking form and send it to the club secretary or president when you have completed your hours.

There are no upcoming events at this time.


If you’re interested in volunteering, please fill out this contact form or reach out to us directly at: contact@vsfsc.org